视频来源:德国Fraunhofer IBMT生物银行
Happy new year!
新的一年又来到了,过去的2019年,小熊康康我和大家正式见面,带大家认识了我美丽的家乡格拉(Gera),走进了我们的工厂,还介绍了我们的产品。通过我们的介绍,想必大家对ASKION C-line自动化液氮生物样本存储管理系统和这套系统里面的每一个设备都已经有了一个初步的了解。那么,这套系统是如何工作的呢?世界各国都有哪些有名的机构在使用这套系统呢?接下来的日子,我会带大家走遍世界各国,去探访分布在世界各地正在使用我们产品的生物银行,让我们现在就出发吧。
一站,我们首先从德国开始吧!这一期,我要带大家一起来了解德国Fraunhofer IBMT生物银行。
说到德国Fraunhofer IBMT(以下简称IBMT),就要先给大家科普一下Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft(弗劳恩霍夫协会)。它是德国、乃至欧洲很大的应用科学研究机构。而我们的用户——Fraunhofer IBMT,由医学生物技术、超声和生物医学工程三个部门组成,是协会旗下在医疗生物技术、低温(生物)技术和实验室自动化领域,负责设备和技术开发的机构。
(Sulzbach, Germany)的生物银行
对于细胞的扩增和冷藏,自动化设备的应用显得尤为重要。因此,Fraunhofer IBMT在德国苏尔茨巴赫市(Sulzbach, Germany)建立了一个可确保EBiSC所有细胞系的一致性的自动化生物银行,全部采用ASKION C-line全自动化液氮生物样本存储管理系统。
ASKION C-line®
The ASKION C-line is a fully automated liquid nitrogen based cryo-storage system. Basedon Fraunhofer’s research, the system provides a closed-cold-chain below -100℃ and guarantees nearly ice-free conditions inside the cryo tank.
Work Bench自动化程序降温工作台
The corresponding cryo work bench allows samples sorting at cryogenic temperaturesas well as computer control freezing.The cryo tank is managed by database, thedemand barcodes for process control, every vial, insert and transport containeris labeled for identification.
配套的Work Bench程序降温工作台可为样本提供深低温操作环境,同时可进行准确的程序化降温。整套系统由数据库进行管理,所有的样本管、板架及运输容器均带有条码,以便程序识别和管理。
Vialbarcodes are unique and needed to be added to database to get with samplesinformation, such as ID, vial format, cell line to facilitate sample sorting.
Prepare sample in vials, and transfer to the WorkBench that consists of low temperature handling space and controlled ratefreezer.The cryopreservation process is controlled by temperature sensor in acontrol vial.Freezing rates can be defined on a sample specific bases via usinginterface. The cryo work bench covers a range of temperature from roomtemperature to -130℃.Up to three sample baskets can be processed independently inparallel.
将样本放入冻存管,然后转移至Work Bench程序降温工作台中,其可提供深低温的操作环境及样本程序化降温。降温程序由对照管内的温度探头进行控制。降温速率可通过软件根据样本类型的不同进行设置。深低温操作区可提供室温至-130℃的低温环境。可使用三个升降台来同时处理不同的降温程序。
ASKION C-line®
After successful freezing, the insert containing the sample vials is transfer to thecold transport container in cryogenic conditions.The closed transport containerkeeps the samples in a dry and cold nitrogen atmosphere, and has capacity of 48vials.One transport container can be used for storage as well as movableprocesses, serving all tanks at the same time.The container is placed in thetransfer station that manages up to three containers in parallel via theautomated trail system.The container is linked to transport station by barcodescanning. The storage position of the samples inside the tank can be assignedautomatically by the software or manually by the user.
ASKION C-line®
During the storage process, the handling space above the tank is cooled down to -100℃ by liquid nitrogen.At destination tank, the transport container isdocked into the isolated cryogenic handling space.A cryo tank designed for1.8ml cryo vials has capacity for about 20,000 samples and separated into 6racks with 9 drawer levels each.After retrieving the selected drawer in thehandling space, the picking place’s gripper transferthe samples one by one from the docked container to its final position in thedrawer.
Eachsample is controlled before sorting by internal scanning on the side or thebottom of the vial, different sorts of barcode can be recognized.After thesample sorting, the drawer moves back into the tank and container returnsautomatically to the transfer station.During the whole process, temperaturesensors inside the tank allow a continuous control of the conditions and recordsample specific temperature profiles.
ASKION C-line®
The system also records the events such as day and night nitrogen filling ortemperature shifts caused by sample storage or retrieval.The platform is basedon self-manage database containing every sample’s temperatureinformation.For each processing of sample, a storage report can be extractedfrom software.
由于ASKION C-line自动化液氮生物样本存储管理系统操作简便、性能优异,IBMT已经安装了十多台相关设备,用于包括干细胞在内的多种珍贵细胞的存储,同时还存储部分传染性样本。
Heiko Zimmermann教授
IBMT所长、EBiSC2项目协调员Heiko Zimmermann教授也给予了高度评价:“学术界和工业界对hiPSC用户的需求一直都在不断发展,而要使这些资源的价值高,则要通过产品的升级和自动化以减少运营成本。ASKION C-line自动化液氮生物样本存储管理系统在这方面给我们做出了贡献。“